Mike Binder
I love Bert Kreisher. And I love his new special, I think it’s his best of the five. I’m into his whole deal. He reminds me more than any of the comics working today of my buddy, Adam Sandler. He’s totally different, but he’s just that genuine. He’s got another set of tools then Adam, but like Adam, his key is he’s so likeable and authentic. There’s a loveable playfulness about him that will wear well. A softside that the snappy snarl that of a lot of modern day comics sport, and who will see the end of the sidewalk come up to meet them much faster than anyone expects. I’ve seen it before, and I’ve seen Adam’s longevity, surprise everyone too. I also predict ‘The Machine’ is going to be a monster hit. ‘Ace Ventura’ all over again.’ Ace Ventura’, ‘Billy Madison’. I think it’ll bring on a big movie career and a Happy Madison kind of control. Watch. The world is ready for it, and Bert Kreisher, on top of everything else, is a marketing genius. As good as he is on stage, as great a character as he’s built and works on, some of his biggest assets are his marketing chops.
He’s in a world of his own in that department. He could of been an ad man and had a major marketing company. Worth hundreds of millions. (He may have had to sober up a small tad in that sector, but maybe not. Who knows?) Don’t believe me? Look at some of his social media stuff he’s done for his tours. Look at his buses. Yes. Buses. Find his marching band clip. It’s off the charts brilliant!
His new special is also a snazzy piece of marketing and branding. Riotously funny, yes. Shirt off Bert, on target all the way, but it’s also subtly, very smartly, hitting new notes. Family, life, husband, being the dad of teenage girls, all done organically spot on and true to form while showing that softer and gentler Bert without really having to. Without doing an actual pivot. Without losing a scintilla of edge. It’s insane how much sense it makes. And it’s so easy because it’s real. He’s just using what he has and is savvy enough to know it to do it. To know his audience will want him to show them the 360.
It really is a fucking great special. Just a lot of fun. Diane and I watched it and laughed our butts off. Having two kids helps, but that’s not it. He’s just very authentic. He’s who he is and he’s got it down. He knows how to make you laugh. A true entertainer. Loves his work. That’s what I like about comedians. There’s a lot of shit I don’t like. They get hard to take sometimes, but damn, when they’re on, they’re on. I do think a lot of this guy. Maybe because my dad’s name was Burt, my son’s name was Burt and my best friend from high school is Bert. I just have a soft spot for Bert’s. It’s more than that though. I love a smart guy that plays it down. Sandler does that too.
The funniest thing Bert did to me though was when I interviewed him for the Comedy Store doc for two hours and he totally forgot it when he was on JRE and started talking about how someone should do a Comedy Store Doc and Rogan and Ari and Segura called him on it. Here it is;
Also, here’s the trailer for The Machine, which I’m telling you, is a monster. It’s out I think in May, and it’s going to re-ignite studio comedies in a big way. Watch! This is just the start for this guy.