Mike Binder
Adam Sandler’s new special is uniquely Sandler. Directed by Josh Safdie who made what I think is one of the best movies of the last decade, ‘Uncut Gems’, this thing feels more like a little film than a stand up special.
The opening segment comes at a time when it’s best for stand ups not to have opening segments on specials anymore. Our attention span is so short as a society, and there’s so many damn channels and options and things to do that it’s just common sense to get yourself on stage and start telling jokes before they hit the clicker. The opening segment is a thing of the past. Netflix execs hate them, I got to tell you, I hate them. Audiences don’t give a damn about them.
Yet this one is gold.
It actually opens like a Safdie bros. movie. It’s fluid, fast, and full of life. It’s a joy to see Adam frazzled, and best of all it’s real. It’s Adam showing you a core truth about his life. It’s great to be the ‘Boss.’ That’s what Adam is. He’s the Bruce Springsteen of comedy. Yet, there’s a downside. Things aren’t smooth twenty four-seven. Stuff breaks down, people interrupt him constantly, endlessly needing things from him, both con- men, and mothers in pain. Autographs, information, love, or empathy. The need never stops and the Sandman’s got a giant heart that doesn’t always give him the ability to push them aside when he needs his space.
I know, I’m one of his buddies, and one of the bugg-a-boos. Have been for years. The opening is a perfectly done capsule. From a broken windshield to needing a new last minute wardrobe fix. To him making a big deal about which sweetener is in his coffee. Life isn’t made easy by being a superstar. It isn’t. He isn’t whining, complaining or pleading, he’s just letting you in.
There are lots and lots of joke here. Funny as hell stuff that made me laugh out loud. A genie story that’s nuts, a tale about a balloon coming on to him that only Adam could pull off and make this funny, and a song about muttering under his breath that is so real and true to everyone of us that it’s just stupid, silly, and, wonderful.
Oh, and there’s Rob Schneider. As Elvis. And then there’s Jackie Sandler at the end, kissing him, loving him and going home with him. The reason he’s hasn’t been swept away by it all. By the fame, the money, the crazies, or by his own insanity. His life.
This whole special is one of those times. It’s not slick. That’s the gag. Stuff doesn’t work out. That’s where the fun is. Even Adam Sandler, with all of his fame, money, staff, and control, can’t make the trains run on time all of the time. He gets frustrated with his life like we all do, but he sucks it up and keeps on keeping on. The bits, the songs, it’s the overriding theme. He takes his wife and his daughters to Disneyland and has an amazing day and then blows it by having a temper tantrum on the way home. There’s no fix to life. It’s going to be messy sometimes.
The film is basically a love letter. A love letter to his life. His fans. His staff. His friends. Even to comedy itself in a tune that almost feels like a sequel to the Chris Farley song. This is entertainment at it’s best. I loved it. I love the guy. He’s been so special to my life and my family’s life.
I irritate the sh*t out of him, I do. (By the way that’s not hard to do.) He loves me though. I know he does. He loves his friends, loves his life. This special is Adam. I know him well enough to know how much of himself is in this. How much he’s showing you here. How much he wants you to know he appreciates you. Appreciates me. Appreciates all of us. The love we all have for this guy is a direct result of the love he has for us.
That’s why he’s the best. Watch this damn thing. It’s funny as hell.
And hey, if you’re in town tomorrow night, Monday, 9-23-24 at 8PM, GREAT SHOW at the Laugh Factory on Sunset.

And also, if you’re in the LA this sat, 8:30 Sept. 28…. another great show.

And if you want to get on my list for info for THE MIKE BINDER and FRIENDS shows, and get on my guest for FREE TIX , Text ‘MIKE’ to 55444 and we’ll sign you up for that.