Mike Binder
She thinks no Jews died in the Holocaust? I mean why believe that? Why not just keep trying to make us believe that the World Trade Center buildings were wired in advance to collapse like stacks of pancakes? I mean, do people have that much time on their hands? How bad does Roger Friedman at Showbiz 411 or Room 222 or whatever his sad little website is called need the click bounce from Drudge that he got to start this new forest fire under Roseanne’s ass all over again?
People are saying, “Listen to the whole interview with Theo Von, it vindicates her.” She doesn’t need vindication. You can listen to the truncated one Roger posted to know she wasn’t saying, “Zero Jews died in the Holocaust.” Not at all. It’s damn clear she isn’t saying that. She’s using that as an ironclad, unimpeachable truth to poke fun at something she sees as maybe not seen as so firm and certain: the 2020 election. That’s most likely the heart of the new round of heat.
Yet, ‘they’ just think it’s a better, smarter, more incandescent thing to go after her for. ‘She’s a Holocaust denier.’ ‘She’s evil.’ ‘She’s out of her mind.’ ‘She has to be stopped.’ ‘She shouldn’t be allowed to speak.’
She’s a comic. She was messing around with another comic. That’s the real reason to take her down again. She’s an election denier. And she was being one in a world populated with storm troopers that are poised to jump on anyone that isn’t on their team who say or do anything they think they can exploit. Good one, Roger. You know damn well what she was getting at. Good one, folks that bought Drudge. Good one to all the others that jumped on her this time.
Theo Von thankfully came out in defense of Roseanne.
That didn’t stop the foolish and the feeble minded. YouTube still took the episode down. Largely thanks to a professional defamer like this guy; Ronald Lauder, the head of the World Jewish League of over-reactors, or whatever Jewish board of whatever he’s the head of, who issued the following stupid statement:
“I am calling on both Apple Music, and Spotify to remove this content from their streaming libraries immediately, for as long as Theo Von’s hateful voice is carried on their platforms, he is in league with those who wish harm to Jews the world over.”
Yeah, sure, Theo Von is in league with those who wish harm to Jews all over the world.
He doesn’t have a mean bone in his body. He probably doesn’t even know what a matzo ball is. He’s got no gripe with anyone. He likes Roseanne because she’s a stand-up. That’s his tribe. She makes him laugh. Roseanne is a great comic when she’s knuckles down and wants to be. One of the best. Was this funny? Maybe not. She was on a podcast, talking about what her truth is. She doesn’t see the 2020 election as having been real. Get the F over it! I don’t see the Gore election as having been real. I’ll whine about it every chance I get.
Hillary Clinton and her back up band were saying Trump was illegitimate his whole term starting ten minutes into the damn thing. They spent the whole time leading up to his inaugural trying to do everything they could to get the election annulled, started a fake Russian campaign on his administration with illegal misinformation that Clinton paid for, and when he was inaugurated they burned the city up, smashing shit to pieces calling themselves the ‘resistance,’ then lived up to it for four years. So don’t memory hole us all, fellas. Let Roseanne whine if she wants, and if she does, don’t try to gaslight her and us into her being a Holocaust denier because she isn’t. She just isn’t.
Is she a little nutty? Uh… Yeah. So are all the people going after her. Out of their minds nutty. Like dogs chasing after cars with low bumpers that are gonna smash their heads in when they slam on the brakes at the first red light. They all need to settle down. In the past I gave Roseanne on here, a hard time because she didn’t do a great Fox Nation special. Because she wasted a prime opportunity to speak her mind. To use her platform. Say what she wanted to say. That being said, she’s a strong comic with a unique voice when she’s in the game skipping rope. Joe Rogan and Tony Hinchcliffe and the Austin, TX, new era gatekeepers have given her safe harbor, which I respect. They gave her new wind in a similar way they did Shane Gillis after Lorne Michaels blew his shot with him.
For people to think they can take Roseanne down again now is bullshit.
I’d like to see some big-time Democrats, Valerie Jarrett, maybe RFK Jr., or Susan Rice, stick up for her. Tell people to back off. Stick up for cooling the waters. That won’t happen, I know, but let’s be real, no one in their right mind believes this one. Believes Rosanne Barr is a Holocaust Denier. Is it something not to joke about? Maybe. But I don’t know. Are we getting close to not drawing pictures of the big Muslim Kahuna time? Is anything really that scared that we can start tearing people apart for cartoons or sarcastic comments? They just want to hate. That’s at the bottom of this dark pit. They want to hate because she’s talking about 2020 with 2024 up over the next hill. How dare she? We told everyone two nights after the election it was the fairest election ever, and so it was over and that was that. Quit mentioning it. The hell with Roseanne for doing it again. She’s got it coming. She must have taken some horse pills or something.
You want the truth? Can you handle the truth? I think Theo Von is CIA. I do. I think he’s a CIA boy. A plant. I don’t even think he’s from the South. I think he’s a Jewish kid from Manhattan who’s putting it all on. Playing dumb. Setting good people like Roseanne up. Getting her to talk shit about the election and the Holocaust. A two-fer. A double banger. You don’t get that lucky and have this kind of publicity if you’re just a funny-as-hell hick with goofy hair. You have to be a Langley-trained Jewish CIA guy. You have to be playing four levels of inter-political-hate chess to know full well how to bring the Hebrew Comic Roseanne, the right-wing hubba-hubba crowd, the anti-Holocaust hoo-hoo-ers, and all the Bannon boy bootlickers tumbling down with one magic bullet. Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA boy. So is Theo Von.
Theo Von knew where this was going. Listen to the whole podcast. He sits there playing naive. Playing simple. He ain’t simple. In ‘Theo talk’; he’s ‘setting Mama up’ . He’s good. Sorry Youtube, #4 on Spotify.
I guess, what I’m really saying is lighten up. Lighten up on Roseanne, lighten up on Theo, lighten up on the Dems, the Repubs, the North and on the South. Just lighten up. Lighten up on yourself.
As my buddy Milton Dicus used to say, LIGHTEN THE FUCK UP!!
Love you!
Check out our Tweet of the day if you want to see a longer version of the exchange with Rosanne than Roger put up.